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Leverage the Power of Your Linkedin Network

On LinkedIn you have at your fingertips a vast network of associates with whom you can call on for a variety of professional reasons. You can use your network to find a new job, to expand awareness of your business or cause, and to even make money. It’s up to you how you use your network but don’t over look the power of it.

Networking has been the main way people received job offers for centuries. It’s always been about who you know, more than what you know in the business world. Word-of-mouth advertising and marketing is an essential element in all forms of business whether it’s an individual need to locate a job, or a business’ need to locate more of their target audience. Networking gets the job done faster.

Recommendations make a huge difference in how people see you. On you have an easy way to obtain public recommendations that last forever. Simply connect with old professors or work colleagues and ask them for a recommendation. Be very specific when you ask for the recommendation because you want each recommendation to stand on its own.

For instance, instead of just sending the generic request for recommendation form, edit it and remind the person who you are, and what you did with or for them. Give numbers if you have them. Statistics speak volumes in a recommendation. Throughout history the power of the written recommendation from an influential person has meant the difference between success and failure for many.

LinkedIn gives you the opportunity to easily stay connected to all these important people in a way never before conceived. The truth is, if you can harness recommendations, even if your resume is lackluster you’ll be more likely to be given a chance than otherwise. When you realize the power that LinkedIn gives you over your vast network of connections in terms of your future, you’ll realize that you can and should leverage the power of that network to help you reach your goals.

You can also use to connect to decision makers bypassing gatekeepers entirely by upgrading your account. If they have a account, and they likely do, find out if you’re connected to anyone they’re connected to and send the person directly and outstanding presentation about why they should contract with you or hire you. Don’t be generic if you do this, be creative and different. Be sure your presentation is top notch to get noticed. You never know what can happen until you try.

Get noticed by your network on LinkedIn by publicly sharing work that you’ve done. Post links to online presentations, SlideShare shows, videos, WebPages, Blogs and more. As long as the work you are doing is professional and good you will get noticed by your network, and if they comment or “like” anything by their network. The possibilities are endless on